Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm dreaming of a dust*y Christmas...

For those of you who don't know me, I have a gi-normous love of everything Alice in Wonderland. It's so weird and creepy and delightful all at the same time, how could you NOT love it?! Anywhoo, that's what brings me to this blog edition. I know this isn't a crafty entry this time around, but i just had to share this new and old find of mine!

So...years ago when I was still living in Savannah I came across a website of furniture that made my heart ache it was so beautiful. I immediately wanted to live in a house completely furnished with only furniture from here, but after realizing I don't have the money to pay for ONE piece (from $1,600-$6,000 each), let alone an entire house full, my dream was never realized :(  sad face...

Now, to 2 days ago...for some reason I was thinking (again) about my favorite little book and that furniture popped in my head, so I decided to look it up and see if they had any new, super cool pieces now, but alas, I could not think of the name of the company to save my life! So, on to Google to search for Alice in Wonderland furniture and to my great surprise ( :D <-- happy face) there's not only my old company I love so much, but a NEW company doing even CRAZIER, ALICE-IER things with furniture! Oh bliss...!

I know by this time you wanna see some of this stuff, so here we go!

The first company I talked about is called dust* and the owners, Vincent & Jessie Leman are simply AMA-ZA-ZING! Here, just take a look at a few of the pieces...

How stinkin' cute are these?! It's kinda like Alice in Wonderland met the characters of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, huh?

They have all kinda different pieces to choose from...

Now, as for the other company I found, Straight Line Designs, they've taken the concept of dust* and made it into more of an extravagant art-show quality kinda thing...

 The creator of these magnificiant pieces of genius is, Judson Beaumont, an artist up in Vancouver. Oh, to be able to visit his studio! I'd love to pick his brain and pull out some wonderful ideas of my own... :)

Well, that's all I gots this time around, just thought I'd share of little of my Christmas joy! And anyone wanting to 'donate' a piece of furniture to my humble abode...please leave your comment and how I can contact you and your ever so generous heart below ;)

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