yeah yeah...I know Labor Day weekend was 2 whole weekends ago...I'm just that far behind on showing you all what I did! Lots o' projects going on right now, but here's a few of them. I went a little spray paint crazy...
As if I NEEDED to spend any more money without selling anything yet, I bought this dresser mirror for a whopping $10 on craigslist and painted it a beautiful greyish blue color, then lacquered it all up and now all I have to do is trade out the dresser hinges for a couple of screw eyes and some picture wire. Trying to figure out which way I want to have it displayed though. Any thoughts?
close up of original |
original mirror |
taping edges for paint |
cover the mirror with newsprint (always best
& funniest to use local "Busted" mug-pic paper) |
prime the crap out of it
(pay no attention to the slacker pup not
helping in any way...) |
paint it a beautiful blue | |
lacquer the heck out of it |
just a close up of the pretty shiny lacquer |
As soon as I figure out how to get the dresser hinges off I'll update this and show you the finished project, but for now, bask in it's shiny goodness!
In addition to this, I also got a lot of my Etsy shop pictures taken and they will start getting posted hopefully in the next week or so! I've got new tutorials and ideas to try in the next few days, so keep an eye out on here for them all!
Original frames |
Hmmm...speaking of etsy products, I also finished painting and re-purposing 2 little picture frames that I picked up from Goodwill. Here's what they went through.
Notice the beautiful scroll detail |
the backs were missing the hinged piece
that holds up the frame |
I spray painted the glass a nice silver to give
it a mirror like effect without having to buy an
actual mirror this size |
Now they're cute little shabby chic looking trays to keep on your bathroom counter or for key and change by the back door! You and see (and buy...wink wink) these at
Purrty. I like the idea to spray paint the glass n put it in face down.